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Sales Representative
Martin Cidlík
Sales Representative
Ing. Jozef Cagala
EBM system k.s.
Nádražní 1100
738 01 Frýdek-Místek
Nádražní 1100
738 01 Frýdek-Místek
ID number
tax ID Number
The company was registered on 9.4.1996 in the Commercial Register maintained by the Regional Court in Ostrava in section A, insert 21925.
IT department / hotline
technical support
In case you need help, we can access your computer remotely via the Internet and directly show you individual operations or quickly solve your possible difficulties. technical support
information and conditions for registration on the server- advertising marked with a lock symbol is only available to registered users
- every visitor who wants to advertise, enter demand or otherwise present himself must be a registered paying user
- the data filled in during registration is not provided to third parties and is used only for the purposes of the portal
- however, the contact details of the advertisement are freely displayed and is not responsible for any misuse of the advertiser\'s contact details in the advertisement